UCSC Campus Bike Trail

National Network

Thanks to The Bernard Osher Foundation, established in 1977, innovative funding in higher education and the arts enabled a national lifelong learning network designed for adults “50 and better” through $1M endowments. This short video tells the story: The Osher Institute Legacy of Bernard Osher.

Once institutes were launched, endowments were renewed if success and sustainability were demonstrated. The Foundation supports 124 lifelong learning institutes on university and college campuses, with at least one in each state and the District of Columbia. It also provides a National Resource Center hosted by Northwestern University to help Osher institutes thrive.

While Osher institutes vary widely, funded programs encourage excellence and promote long-term sustainability and success, including a diverse repertoire of intellectually stimulating, noncredit courses and educational activities designed for seasoned adults.

UCSC OLLI members
Last modified: Sep 05, 2024