Volunteer Opportunities
Become an OLLI volunteer
Make new friends & deepen relationships by becoming an OLLI volunteer
There are so many volunteer opportunities. There is something for everyone. Give a couple of hours a year, a month, a week, or more.
- Volunteer just a few hours once a month – or less:
- OLLI photographer to capture fresh photos for website and newsletters (email Doug Garcia – douglasagarcia@yahoo.com)
- Help with Sunday Speaker meetings (room setup, welcome team, etc.) (email Mark Gordon – mgordon@cruzio.com)
- OLLI newsletter contributor or editor (email Barry Bowman – bbowman@ucsc.edu)
- Help with course room setup at London Nelson (email Barry Bowman – bbowman@ucsc.edu)
- Help with Zoom setup and course recording at London Nelson for courses needing this support (email Doug Garcia – douglasagarcia@yahoo.com)
- Volunteer Driver: We’d love a pool of drivers in various communities who can provide rides to OLLI members to attend general meetings, events, courses, or interest groups. (email Cindy Margolin – crmargol@gmail.com.
- Miscellaneous projects (member mailings, special events, etc.) (email Ginna Holcombe – gogetter9503@gmail.com)
- Shadow an OLLI Board Member to learn more about serving as an OLLI Board member or serve on one of their committees:
- Silvia Miller Scholarship – Tom Manheim tmanheim@comcast.net
- Outreach/Marketing Committee – Doug Garcia douglasagarcia@yahoo.com)
- Treasurer / Finance Committee – Cindy Margolin crmoargol@gmail.com
- Courses – Leta Miller leta@ucsc.edu
- Interest Groups – Rusty Bowman ebowman@ucsc.edu
- Membership – Craig Tempey cjt2022@duck.com
- Newcomers -Kate Erstein kate.erstein@gmail.com
- Facilities and Hospitality – Mark Gordon mgordon@cruzio.com
- Website and Data support – Dennis Morris dennis@morrismed.com
- Events – Karen Gamell kgamell@yahoo.com
- Newsletter – Barry Bowman bbowman@ucsc.edu
- Other Volunteer Opportunities:
- Interest Groups: lead a new one or support a current leader as a backup. Email Rusty Bowman ebowman@ucsc.edu.
- Courses: help with setup, greeting, or provide audio/visual tech support. Email Barry Bowman bbowman@ucsc.edu
- Offer to provide a one-time lecture or recommend someone. Email Barry Bowman bbowman@ucsc.edu
- Help plan or host a one-time fun activity for OLLI members. Email Ginna Holcombe gogetter9503@gmail.com
- Any new ideas are welcome! How do you want to get involved?