American History and Literature

Group Leader – Scott McInnis, 831-661-5444, 

Like a fresh look at American history and literature? Join us in an ongoing study of the American narrative. Members present information followed by discussion.
If you are interested, join me and 9 other OLLI members. We provide a framework, and some resources for this study: members are expected to participate by reporting their findings, dictated by their interests and knowledge.
From the historical standpoint, the initial year’s study started with a review of the Constitution and proceeded to a study of its implementation in the New Republic. Additional topics: the ongoing slavery/civil rights issue; the War of 1812; the American Indian controversy; the Mexican War; the California Gold Rush; the Civil War; the Industrial Revolution and other topics going forward. The literature component will primarily focus on the Transcendentalists and consist of short story readings, a few essays by Thoreau and Emerson, the short novel Billy Budd by Melville, and selections from Hawthorne, Mark Twain, and others.

Group Leader: A long-time student of American history who wanted to know more than names, dates and places of the past. 

Location: Varies between members’ homes on the west side.

3:00 pm to 5:00 pm on the 4th Wednesday of every month except November and December. In November there is no meeting and in December we meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month.

Last modified: Sep 19, 2024