Biographical Fiction

We will explore the lives of people whose experiences will give us insight into other worlds and places. Fiction provides readers with a broader understanding of people from communities and societies outside our fairly narrow view. Our first book selection is Celeste Ng’s “Everything I Never Told You” is about a Canadian woman who finds a Japanese girl’s diary washed up on her beach. The reader then follows both the Canadian’s understanding of the Japanese girl’s life, but through her view, we gain an insight to the traumatic experiences of the girl as she relates it in this very personal space, a diary. 

I will begin the group with a book, and then each month another participant will pick the next book.

Meeting: 1st Thursday of the month beginning December 7, 2017
Location: 319 Younglove Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Group Size: 10 to 12 participants

Group Leader: Jan Mintz, 714-719-0694,

Last modified: Jul 23, 2024