Concept Exchange Society

Concept Exchange is an interest group of people who wish to learn how the world works.

Topics tend to be somewhat technical or focused on local issues affecting us all.   The range of topics has included quantum computing, astrophysics, homelessness, the physics of climate change, mental illness, education in California, human biases and heuristics, electric vehicles, genetic influences in several domains, energy-efficient homes, AI and agriculture, population demographics, the pros and cons of political propositions, computer hacking and security, comparisons of economic systems, and healthcare.

We ask that participants occasionally share their expertise or bring in knowledgeable experts from outside the group.  Our best presentations and discussions lead to a better understanding or action item we can take to lead to a more sustainable society – or some “wow” discovery we’ll want to better understand for the future.

The group typically meets the first Sunday of each month from 10:30 am to noon.Leader: Peter Marks, 831-464-8300,

Last modified: Jul 23, 2024