Would you like to meet people from other countries?
English in Action volunteers help foreign students practice English and learn more about life in the U.S.

The program consists of an informal, non-structured meeting which gives the foreign scholar, student or spouse an opportunity to practice conversational English and ask questions about the community. Usually the meetings are once a week for an hour or so, but the time, location and number of meetings depend on what works for the students and the volunteer. It is not a class, but a one-to-one conversation.
If you would like more information on the program or would like to volunteer, contact Scott McInnis,
Leader: Scott McInnis, 831-661-5444, r.scott.mcinnis@gmail.com.
Membership Status: open to new participants.
Meets: Meetings with foreign students are individually arranged. Volunteer meeting times and places will vary and are communicated by email to those who have signed up.