Great Decisions is one of America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The program model involves reading the Great Decisions Briefing Book, watching the DVD and meeting in a discussion group to debate the most critical global issues facing America today. The Foreign Policy Association panel of experts pick eight topics annually. Of note is the National War College participation in these discussions with notable scholars in each area! Each year The Foreign Policy Association picks 8 very interesting and relevant topics.

In our group, each participant purchases their own book from the Foreign Policy Association, cost is approx. $32. An email is sent out to when the book is ready to be purchased. As a group we purchase the DVD. Participants are expected to chip-in for the DVD price.
The group divides up the topics and volunteers sign up to co-present and lead the conversation each week. First hour we usually watch the Topic video and in the second hour, the weekly presenter presents and leads the discussion. With such thought-provoking topics and the conversations relevant to our current state of world affairs, the discussions are usually extremely lively, often passionate and always educational!
We are gearing up for our dynamic 2025 Winter/Spring session
- When: March 3 to April 28, 2025
- Monday: 10 am -12 pm
- Where: Alimur Park Community Center, 4300 Soquel Drive in SoqueL
Group Leaders: Joya Chatterjee (831-458-9008) and Gaby Litsky
Email: Gaby Litsky (
Webmaster: Gary Oing
About Great Decisions
Great Decisions started in 1954. It is the centerpiece of the longest-running civic education program in the United States devoted to foreign affairs and is intended to empower readers to discuss global issues shaping U.S. foreign policy and the world. The briefing book provides historical background, current U.S. policy and alternative policy options, informative maps and detailed graphs, suggested readings and resources, as well as opinion ballots for each topic.
Opinion ballots are tabulated and the results presented in the National Opinion Ballot Report, a representative survey of readers’ views on the eight Great Decisions topics. The Report is made available to members of Congress, the White House, the media, concerned citizens and our readers.