OLLI Interest Groups
* Interest Groups that are Zoom only
** Interest Groups with this next to the title are FULL. Contact the group leader to get on a wait list.
Interest Group | Activities | Meets | Leader(s) | Phone | |
American History & Lit ** | New insights and revisions | 4th Wed 3 to 5pm | Scott McInnis | 661-5444 | r.scott.mcinnis@gmail.com |
Art & Architecture | Visit places local & SF Bay | contact leader | Lois Widom | 423-0184 | lowidom@yahoo.com |
Backgammon | Play freindly games | Tue 10:30 to Noon | Jeffrey Young | 239-9311 | jmy856@yahoo.com |
Basketball – Women’s | Practice, play, laugh | Times and locations vary | Sally Grey | 325-0451 | Saligrey@mac.com |
Bridge | Live Oak Senior Center | Mon 1pm | Jo Anne Dlott | 688-1607 | jjdlott@gmail.com |
Concept Exchange ** | Exchange world views | 1st Sun 10:30am | Peter Marks | 464-8300 | peter@designinsight.com |
Current Affairs I | Current affairs | On Hiatus | Mark Gordon | 408-314-4802 | mgordon@cruzio.com |
Democracy & Discord | Conversations | 1st Mon 2:30 – 4 | David Apgar | d_apgar@msn.com | |
Digital Photography | Critiques, shoots, & trips | 4th Mon 1:30pm | Cindy Margolin | crmargol@gmail.com | |
Dining Out | Different local restaurants | 3rd Tue at 6:30pm | Diane Zacher | 786-9550 | dianezacher@gmail.com |
3rd Wed at 6:30pm | Kathy Hatfield | 431-3587 | b40mom@gmail.com | ||
Discover | Adventurous Outings | TBD | Kathryn Nance | 332-8051 | momokat13@gmail.com |
English in Action | Talk with foreign students | Contact leader | Scott McInnis | 661-5444 | r.scott.mcinnis@gmail.com |
First Wednesday Books** | Fiction & nonfiction books | 1st Wed 4pm | Dusty Miller | 426-0835 | hndmiller@hotmail.com |
Folk Singing | Starting in October | 1st & 3rd Tues 1-3 pm | Lou Rose | 477-0360 | ramblingroses@yahoo.com |
French for French Speakers ** | Only French | 3rd Mon 1:30pm to 3:00pm | Beatrice Barbakow | 661-5444 | bbarjac@gmail.com |
Future of Capitalism | How will Capitalism End | 2nd Tues 1:30pm | Barry Bowman | 423-1450 | bbowman@ucsc.edu |
Great Books * | Essays, stories, poems, plays | 1st Wed noon Zoom Meet | Susan Gorsky | 688-5371 | sgorsky@sbcglobal.net |
Great Decisions | World affairs | Mon 10am 3/3 to 4/28 2025 | Joya Chatterjee Gaby Litsky | 458-9008 | glitsky@aol.com |
Grow Getters | Variety of Plant Activities | 4th Mon 1:30pm | Janice Kuch | (626) 808 1448 | jtkuch@gmail.com |
Health, Longevity, & Lifestyle Solutions | Discuss sources in books, articles, websites, videos | 2nd Th 11-1pm | Rabia Barkins | (760) 942 2764 | 7rabia7@gmail.com |
International Cuisine | Share International Lunches | 3rd Thur 1pm | Linda Segal | 530-386-1677 | lsegal@me.com |
Mahjongg Chinese | Enjoy non-competitive games | Monday 1pm to 3pm | Char Williams | 239-7887 | charw54@comcast.net |
Memoir Writing I ** | Write, read, listen, discuss | 2nd Th 2:00 | Richard Bruce | 427-7334 | richard.bruce@gmail.com |
Memoir Writing II ** | Write, read, listen, discuss | 1st & 3rd Th 1:00 | Kathryn Cowan | 431-6114 | kathryncowan@gmail.com |
Memoir Writing III ** | Write, read, listen, discuss | 4th Thur 1:30 pm | Sally Grey | 325-0451 | saligrey@mac.com |
Memoir Writing IV | Write, read, listen, discuss | 2nd Wed 10:00 am | Patricia Bennett | pmb1351@gmail.com | |
Movies Monthly | Movies at London Nelson | 3rd Th 1-3:30pm | Douglas Garcia | 239-7620 | douglasagarcia@yahoo.com |
Music Monthly | Amateur Musicians Share | 4th Sat 12:00 pm | Frank Baudino | 209-769-0841 | frankbaudino415@comcast.net |
New Yorker Aptos ** | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry | Alternate Thurs1pm to 3pm | Joan Rose | 477-0360 | ramblingroses@yahoo.com |
New Yorker SC I ** | Short stories, essays, & poetry | 3rd Wed 2pm | Dena Taylor | 588-0746 | denataylor22@gmail.com |
New Yorker SC II ** | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry | 2nd Thur 2 – 4pm | Helen Jones | 420-1220 | helenjones815@gmail.com |
Newcomers | Intro to OLLI | As Needed | Kate Erstein | 454-8578 | kate.erstein@gmail.com |
Nonfiction East Side * | Nonfiction reading | 4th Mon 1pm Fredericks St. | Judy McNeely | 600-6382 | judybookdoc@collegepathfinder.com |
Nonfiction Santa Cruz | Nonfiction reading | 4th Tue 2pm | Rabia Barkins Gail Greenwood | 760-942-2764 566-4276 | 7rabia7@gmail.com msaspasia@gmail.com |
Photography Adventure | Experience Photography | 3rd Thur 1:30 | Pam Coz-Hill | 559-737-7885 | cnyn_flwr@yahoo.com |
Read & Socialize ** | Many books, little time | 4th Fri 10am | Edna Elkins | 455-8611 | ednautah@msn.com |
Read It Again, Sam | Books worth reading again | 4th Wed 1-3pm | Joan Rose | 477-0360 | ramblingroses@yahoo.com |
Reading Circle | Books selected by members | 3rd Mon 1:30pm | Cynthia Druley Mary Lyons | 831-600-5363 505-280-7012 | cynthiadr@gmail.com mllyons41@gmail.com |
Recorder Playing | Beautiful music | 1st & 3rd Tue 2:30pm | Allison Garcia | 227-6348 | allisoncg600@yahoo.com |
Social Sciences Discussion ** | All social sciences | 3rd Tues 1:00pm | Dusty Miller | 426-0835 | hndmiller@hotmail.com |
Spanish Conversation | Intermed language skills | Alt. Wed 2 pm to 3:30 pm | Dolores McCabe | 588-5195 | dmccabe47@gmail.com |
Spanish Sur | Discussions in Spanish | 1st & 3rd Weds 3pm | Diane Zacher | 786-9550 | dianezacher@gmail.com |
Sustainability* | Research and Present topics | 3rd Tues 3pm Zoom | Mark Folsom | 601-3770 | mffolsom@gmail.com |
Tennis Doubles** | Intermediate, no partner required | Tue & Thur 10:00am | David Brick | 325-7380 | dbrick@cruzio.com |
Travel Treasures | Slide sharing, talks, discussion | Th 1:30pm London Nelson 3/3 2025 | Joya Chatterjee Gaby Litsky | 458-9008 808-446-1328 | glitsky@aol.com |
Your Next Book | Review books from a list | 2nd Mon 10 am | Rosemary Hayward | 244-0105 | rosemary@rosemaryhayward.com |
Walking | Local forests & seashores | Wed 9:30am | Anandi Paganini | 252-8980 | anandipaganini@sbcglobal.net |
Wine Tasting | Visit local wineries | contact leader | Margie Lafia | mlafia56@gmail.com | |
Writing Genealogical History ** | Our stories or narratives | 3rd Wed 1pm to 3pm | Pamela Roby | 247-0675 | roby@ucsc.edu |