New Yorker Discussion Groups

Members interested in literature meet periodically to discuss short stories, non-fiction, and poetry from recent New Yorker magazines. To ensure good discussions, groups are limited to eight members plus the leader. If more than eight members are interested, we will try to open more groups.

To participate you need to have access to the contents of The New Yorker magazine. Issues can be read or checked out at these branches of the Santa Cruz Public Library: Aptos, Boulder Creek, Branciforte, Scotts Valley, Central, Live Oak, Capitola.

Open/closed status subject to change.

New Yorker Discussion Group (Santa Cruz I)

Group members are interested in reading literature as well as in analyzing the techniques that authors and poets use to communicate their ideas. Our discussions of poetry, short stories, and occasional essays related to literature also shed light on our differing viewpoints and how those viewpoints have been shaped by our life experiences.

The group meets monthly at 2 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from September through June.

Discussion Leader: Dena Taylor, 831-462-5548,

New Yorker Discussion Group (Santa Cruz II)

Group members are interested in reading literature as well as in analyzing the techniques that authors and poets use to communicate their ideas. Our discussions of poetry, short stories, and occasional essays related to literature also shed light on our differing viewpoints and how those viewpoints have been shaped by our life experiences.

The group meets monthly at 2 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of the month from September through June.

Discussion Leader: Helen Jones, 831-420-1220,

New Yorker Capitola Discussion Group (Dominican Oaks)

The group discusses fiction, non-fiction, and poetry from recent New Yorker magazines.

The group meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. using Zoom.

Discussion Leader: Barbara Banducci, 831-234-7906, 

New Yorker San Lorenzo Valley

The group discusses fiction, non-fiction, and poetry from recent New Yorker magazines.

The group meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 3:00 to 4:30p.m. using Zoom.

Discussion Leader: Rhea Giroux, 831-345-6824, 

New Yorker Discussion Group (Aptos) On Hiatus

This Interest Group is on Hiatus

Currently full, like most New Yorker groups. But you can ask to be on a waiting list. Or start up another New Yorker discussion group yourself, there is no limit to New Yorker groups at OLLI.

The group discusses fiction, non-fiction, poetry and cartoons from recent New Yorker magazines. Members take turns leading the discussions. The group meets every other Thursday (except as noted on the on-line OLLI Events Calendar) from 2 to 4 p.m. year-round.

Group Leader: Joan Rose, 831-477-0360, 

To Participate in the Peer-Led Interest Group Program

Any member of UCSC’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute may join the peer-led interest-group program.

Click here to learn how to participate.

Last modified: Jul 23, 2024