What is the Future of Capitalism?

The Question:  Will Capitalism improve the world or degrade it? 

Capitalism is not only an economic system but also a social system.  It shapes our lives in many ways.  People are divided in the way they view the effects of capitalism.  Some see it as the best available way to manage an economy and a society, a flawed system but one that will persist if properly regulated.  Other people see capitalism as inherently flawed, a system that inevitably causes growing inequality and depletion of resources.

The Future of Capitalism interest group is focused on a discussion of the merits and defects of capitalism.  The discussion is typically organized by having one or two members give a presentation based on a book or article they have read, followed by comments and questions from the rest of the group. Examples of topics are:

  • New Yorker article on the rise and fall of neoliberalism.
  • What is “carried interest” and is this a tax loophole?
  • An article from The Economist on America’s economic overperformance.
  • Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
  • book – Poverty by America, by Mathew Desmond
  • book – biography of John Maynard Keynes

The group is led by Barry Bowman and meets at his house on the westside of Santa Cruz, 1:30 – 3:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month.

Group Leader: Barry Bowman, 831-423-1450, bbowman@ucsc.edu

Location: 106 Alta Vista Drive, Santa Cruz, CA.

When: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Last modified: Jul 23, 2024