A More Graceful Exit
- Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? Cartoonist Roz Chast had 12 pages of cartoons in The New Yorker about having “the conversation” with aging parents, assisted living, round-the-clock care, death, ashes. ….Sobering – and funny!
Have You Had “The Conversation”?
- 90% of people say that talking with their loved ones about end-of-life care is important
- 27% have actually done it
- One conversation can make all the difference – it’s about what matters to you, not what’s the matter with you.
- How to Prepare for a Good End of Life (TED Talk)
- Getting Your Affairs in Order: Do you have a will? An advance health care directive? Someone with power of attorney? Here’s a list of the documents and records we all should have in an accessible place.
- Signs it May be Time for Assisted Living
- Caring: Types of assisted care, and what is available in Santa Cruz County
- Letting Go: What should medicine do when it can’t save your life?
- And a Time to Die: How American hospitals shape the end of life
- Avoiding the Call to Hospice Why do people wait so long to call?
- Why Hospice Care Could Benefit Your Loved One Sooner Than You Think
- Hospice of Santa Cruz County Hospice care and grief support