Monthly speaker meetings
Speaker meetings are held third Sundays during the academic year in the Colleges Nine/John R Lewis Multipurpose Room on the UCSC campus. There are three parking options:
1) Free parking with shuttle at the Core West parking lot. Enter campus at the West Entrance off Empire Grade/High Street and continue along Heller Drive. The parking structure is on your right before McLaughlin Drive. You may also choose to walk a relatively flat 0.4 miles from the parking lot to the meeting venue.
Walk from Core West printable map
2) Free parking with no shuttle at the East Remote parking lot from where you walk about a mile to the meeting venue.
Walk from East Remote printable map
3) $5.00 parking near venue at Lots 164/165 west of the meeting venue. Student Parking Agents sell 24-hour permits. Detailed directions below.
UCSC Campus Map TAPS printable
Parking permits and spaces for disabled
Please CARPOOL whenever possible. On-campus parking may be challenging and some lots are metered. However, free shuttle service runs frequently. To buy a parking permit or see the latest transportation and parking information, see https://taps.ucsc.edu/index.html.
Parking spaces for drivers with a DMV disabled plaque or license plate are numerous: Disabled Parking at UC Santa Cruz. You may park in spaces designated ADA or Accessible, A spaces, medical, in timed zones (eg, 10-minute spaces) for longer than the time specified, and in metered and pay-station spaces without additional payment when no other parking is available. If there are no marked parking space, you may park in open areas as long as you do not park in fire lanes, tow-away zones, or next to red curbs. You also must not block other vehicles, access to dumpsters or loading docks, buildings, sidewalks, pathways, or traffic.
Directions from Bay/High Street entrance to USCS:
Parking Lots 164/165 – $5.00
Take Glen Coolidge Drive to the 2nd stop light at Haggar Drive (0.4 mi).
Turn left onto Haggar Drive and drive 1.2 mi to McLaughlin Drive.
Turn left onto McLaughlin Drive to go about 0.3 miles to College 10 Road (3rd road on right after you turn onto McLaughlin Drive).
Turn right onto College 10 Road to drive about 0.1 miles. Parking Lot 164 is on your left. Attendants will sell you a permit so you can park in Lots 164 or 165 (further ahead on the left past Lot 164).
Drop off passengers
Take Glen Coolidge Drive to the 2nd stop light at Haggar Drive (0.4 mi).
Turn left onto Haggar Drive and drive 1.2 mi to McLaughlin Drive.
Turn left onto McLaughlin Drive go 0.2 miles to College 9 Road (2nd road on right after turning onto McLaughlin Drive).
Turn right onto College 9 Road to drive about 0.1 miles to the circle. Turn left prior to the circle to reach the drop-off point.
Parking Lots 111/156 – Free
Take Glen Coolidge Drive to the 2nd stop light at Haggar Drive (0.4 mi).
Turn left onto Haggar Drive and drive 1.2 mi to McLaughlin Drive.
Turn left onto McLaughlin Drive go 0.1 miles to Chinquapin Road (first road on the right after turning on McLaughlin Drive).
Turn right onto Chinquapin Road and drive about 0.1 miles. Lot 111 is on your right down the hill; another 0.1 miles up the hill on your left is Lot 156. Take the trail at the end of Lot 156 through a redwood canyon to College 9.
Parking Lot 128 – Free
Take Glen Coolidge Drive to the second stop light at Haggar Drive (0.4 mi).
Turn left onto Haggar Drive to drive 1.2 mi to McLaughlin Drive.
Turn left onto McLaughlin Drive go about 0.25 miles. Lot 128 is on your left prior to College 10 Road. You walk up College 10 Road to the entrance of College 10 and go right at the signs to the Multipurpose Room.
East Remote Lot – Free
Take Glen Coolidge Drive to the second stop light at Haggar Drive (0.4 mi)
Turn left onto Haggar Drive and drive about 0.6 miles. East Remote Parking is on the right.
Take the shuttle at the umbrella to the shuttle stop at College 9 and 10.
Two bus services
Buses run frequently and may be crowded but seniors have priority seating.
The Metro Bus runs from the downtown bus terminal to and through campus and seniors at least 62 can get half-fare discounts. See Headways for maps and schedules, which is also available on buses, at the bus terminal, and at the Public Library. This service is very frequent during regular school terms, (September to June).
The Campus Shuttle Bus is free.
Volunteer drivers needed. Learn more.
Download a map of the West entrance

Ask an OLLI member for tips
A seasoned OLLI member familiar with the UCSC campus, Mark Gordon is happy to help you. Contact him at (408) 314 4802 or mgordon@cruzio.com.