Exploring Santa Cruz County

Have you ever wondered about the Pogonip or Arana Gulch or the amusing and eclectic architecture in our city? Are you willing to get out of your car, spend a couple of hours with your fellow lifelong learners and explore our city and county?

The group has explored Beach Hill, Roaring Camp and Henry Cowell, Arana Gulch, the UCSC campus, downtown Victorians, Depot Hill, Mission Hill, and the Land of the Medicine Buddha in Soquel. We've also been to the Watsonville wetlands, Schwan Lake Park and the Simpkins Family Swim Center, Davenport, Lighthouse field to above the SC Wharf, Ocean View Avenue, and Kennolyn Camps in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

The “Exploring Santa Cruz County” group offers you not just some exercise, but information about local history, the flora and fauna of our Mediterranean climes and the redwood forest, architectural details, and good stories about the people that made Santa Cruz County the wonderful place it is.

“Exploring Santa Cruz County” is not a class, but rather a first-hand look at various aspects of our town and county.

Leaders: Kathryn Nance, 332-8051, momokat13@gmail.com
Sue Myers, 818-6450, suemyers85@gmail.com

Membership Status: open to new participants.

Meets most months, except for the summer, and usually on the third Friday, 10 to noon.