Welcome to the OLLI interest group page, and check out the list of our groups below. If you’re not already an OLLI member, click here to join. Your donation of $60.00 for joining OLLI also allows you to participate in any number of interest groups (check with leader of any group about space available).  

Special Interest Group Newsletter.  Click here to download a pdf.

Any questions? See below for more information, following the list, or contact the interest group coordinator, Rusty Bowman, at 831-423-1450 or ebowman@ucsc.edu. If you have any problems viewing the list, expand your window to the full size of your display and you should be able to see all of it easily. Current list version: 2023. 

Interest Group Activities Meets Leader(s) Phone Email
American History & Lit ** New insights and revisions 4th Monday 10am Scott McInnis


Art & Architecture Visit places local & SF Bay contact leader Lois Widom    423-0184 


Bagel Ladies  ** Find & communicate wisdom Tue 10:30am Mary McKane 400-8799 omforest9@gmail.com
Basketball Women Practice, play, laugh See here for times and locations Sally Grey 325-0451 Saligrey@mac.com
Biographical Fiction ** Literary story-telling 1st Thurs 1 - 2:30 pm Jan Mintz 714-719 0694 musicmintz@gmail.com
Bridge Live Oak Senior Center Mon 1pm Jo Anne Dlott 688-1607 jjdlott@gmail.com
Concept Exchange** Exchange world views 1st Sun 10:30am Peter Marks 464-8300 peter@designinsight.com
Current Affairs I Current affairs On Hiatus Mark Gordon 408-314-4802 mgordon@cruzio.com
Digital Photography Critiques, shoots, & trips 4th Mon 1:30pm Cindy Margolin crmargol@gmail.com
Dining Out Different local restaurants 3rd Tue at 6:30pm Diane Zacher 786-9550 dianezacher@gmail.com
3rd Wed at 6:30pm Kathy Hatfield 431-3587 b40mom@gmail.com
Discover Adventurous Outings TBD Kathryn Nance 332-8051 momokat13@gmail.com
English in Action Talk with foreign students Contact leader Karin Grobe  239-1284 karingrobe@gmail.com
First Wednesday Books Fiction & non-fiction books

1st Wed 4pm 

Dusty Miller 426-0835 hndmiller@hotmail.com
Folk Singing Starting in Sept 1st & 3rd Tues     1 pm  Lou Rose 477-0360 ramblingroses@yahoo.com
French for French Speakers ** Only French  3rd Mon 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Beatrice Barbakow

661-5444 bbarjac@gmail.com
Future of Capitalism How will Capitalism End

2nd Tues  1:30pm 

Barry Bowman 423-1450 bbowman@ucsc.edu
Great Books II** Essays, stories, poems, plays 1st Wed noon Zoom Meet Susan Gorsky 688-5371 sgorsky@sbcglobal.net
Great Decisions World affairs

Mon 10am 

2/27 to 4/24 2023

Joya Chatterjee

Gaby Litsky





Grow Getters

Variety of Plant Activities 3rd Mon 1:30pm Janice Kuch (626) 808 1448 jtkuch@gmail.com

Health, Longevity, & Lifestyle Solutions

Discuss sources in books, articles, websites, videos 2nd Th 11-1pm Rabia Barkins (760) 942 2764 7rabia7@gmail.com

International Cooking

Share International Lunches 3rd Thur 1pm Irene Lennox 818-0976 irenefraetroon@gmail.com


Jogging and conversation Friday 10:30 Douglas Garcia 239-7620 douglasagarcia@yahoo.com

Mahjong American

Dominican Oaks Wed 2:30 pm Mary Paulson 566-5159 profpaulson@att.net
Mahjong Chinese 4 people/game Monday 1pm to 3pm Ginna Holcombe 689-9503 gogetter9503@gmail.com
Memoir Writing I** Write, read, listen, discuss 2nd Th 2:30 Richard Bruce 427-7334 richard.bruce@gmail.com
Memoir Writing II ** Write, read, listen, discuss 1st & 3rd Th 1:00 Kathryn Cowan 431-6114 kathryncowan@gmail.com
Memoir Writing III ** Write, read, listen, discuss 4th Thur 1:30 pm Sally Grey 325-0451 saligrey@mac.com
Mexican Train Dominoes Dominoes Game TBD Marian Disperati 438-2561 raymard@pacbell.net
Movies Monthly Movies at London Nelson 3rd Tu 1-3:30pm Douglas Garcia 239-7620 douglasagarcia@yahoo.com
Music Monthly Amateur Musicians Share 4th Sat 12:00 pm Frank Baudino 209-769-0841 frankbaudino415@comcast.net
New Yorker Aptos** Fiction, non-fiction, poetry

Alternate Thurs

1pm to 3pm

Joan Rose 477-0360 ramblingroses@yahoo.com
New Yorker SC I** Short stories, essays, & poetry 3rd Wed 2pm  Dena Taylor  588-0746


New Yorker SC II** Fiction, nonfiction, poetry 2nd Thur 2pm Zoom meet Helen Jones 420-1220 helenjones815@gmail.com
Newcomers Intro to OLLI As Needed Kate Erstein 454-8578 kate.erstein@gmail.com
Nonfiction East Side ** Non-fiction reading 4th Mon 1pm Fredericks St. Judy McNeely 600-6382 judybookdoc@collegepathfinder.com
Nonfiction Santa Cruz Non-fiction reading 4th Tue 2pm

Rabia Barkins

Gail Greenwood




Read & Socialize ** Many books, little time 4th Fri 10am Edna Elkins 455-8611 ednautah@msn.com
Read It Again, Sam Books worth reading again 4th Wed 1-3pm Joan Rose 477-0360 ramblingroses@yahoo.com
Reading Circle Books selected by members 3rd Mon 1:30pm Zoom Meet Irene Lennox 818-0976 irenefraetroon@gmail.com
Recorder Playing Beautiful music Tue 2:30pm Sandy Cohen 247-2887 slcohen222@cruzio.com
Social Science Discussion  ** All social sciences 3rd Tues 1:00pm  Dusty Miller 426-0835 hndmiller@hotmail.com
Spanish Conversation Intermed language skills Alt. Wed 2 pm to 3:30 pm

Dolores McCabe

588-5195 dmccabe47@gmail.com
Spanish Sur Discussions in Spanish 1st & 3rd Weds 3pm

Patrick Keown

427-9154 kcirtap@cruzio.com
Sustainabiility Research and Present topics 3rd Tues 3pm  Zoom Mark Folsom 601-3770 mffolsom@gmail.com
Tennis doubles Intermediate, no partner required Tue & Thur 10:00am David Brick 325-7380 dbrick@cruzio.com
Travel Treasures Slide sharing, talks, discussion

Th 1pm London Nelsom.  March 2024

Joya Chatterjee

Gaby Litsky





Walking Local forests & seashores Wed 9:30am Anandi Paganini 252-8980 anandipaganini@sbcglobal.net
Wine Tasting Visit local wineries contact leader Margie Lafia mlafia56@gmail.com
Writing Genealogical History  ** Our stories or narratives 3rd Wed 1pm to 3pm Pamela Roby 247-0675 roby@ucsc.edu

** Interest Groups with this next to the title are FULL.  Contact the group leader to get on a wait list.

Interest groups are very dynamic and keep changing. Here is a list of inactive groups, that are not meeting at this time: Creative Writing, Culture Vultures, Genealogy, Play Reading, Pre-Columbia, Santa Cruz History, Still Life Drawing, Opera, Meditation, Envisioning the Future, Santa Cruz Symphony, Beliefs Acceptance, Classical Chinese Literature, Healthcare, New Yorker Covers and Cartoons, Science Fiction, Food and Health, Santa Cruz Infrastructure, Kayaking, Wooden Toys, Amateur Chamber Music, Eastern Spirituality, Discovering UCSC. An example of the range of interests, and also possible ideas for new groups in the future.

Some interest groups are large, like Art & Architecture, which visits museums, galleries, and public buildings all over the Bay Area. Others are smaller to allow members to pursue activities such as creative writing and photography, or to participate in discussions. We also encourage members to form new interest groups and new sections of existing interest groups. To form a new group you just need a proposal and approval from the OLLI Board, very simple.

Group leaders are free to structure and schedule their group as they and the participants wish. Just check with the leader if space is available within any group, and for further information. You can ask to be on a waiting list if the group is full, or consider starting another group. We have many New Yorker groups, always room for another group on any subject.

Our Interest Group Program is unusual among all the Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes because most mainly offer courses (sometimes quite expensive) taught by paid instructors through university extension departments. Although our courses are wide-ranging, popular, and invaluable, the heart of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UCSC continues to be our peer-led groups, which give our members the opportunity to take part in discussions and activities of interest.

One of the goals of OLLI at UCSC is to raise scholarship money for transfer and re-entry students, including military veterans. Both interest group leaders and the volunteer instructors of our wonderful classes are motivated to help raise funds for our scholarship program. Our Osher Foundation grant can be used for our OLLI expenses, but cannot be used for student scholarships.