A More Graceful Exit

Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?

Cartoonist Roz Chast had 12 pages of cartoons in The New Yorker about having "the conversation" with aging parents, assisted living, round-the-clock care, death, ashes.      ....Sobering - and funny!


Have You Had "The Conversation"?

  • 90% of people say that talking with their loved ones about end-of-life care is important

  • 27% have actually done it

  • One conversation can make all the difference - it's about what matters to you, not what's the matter with you.


How to Prepare for a Good End of Life (TED Talk)

Getting Your Affairs in Order:  

Do you have a will? An advance health care directive? Someone with power of attorney? Here's a list of the documents and records we all should have in an accessible place.


Signs it May be Time for Assisted Living

Caring: Types of assisted care, and what is available in Santa Cruz County


Letting Go:  What should medicine do when it can't save your life?

And a Time to Die: How American hospitals shape the end of life 


Avoiding the Call to Hospice Why do people wait so long to call?

Why Hospice Care Could Benefit Your Loved One Sooner Than You Think

Hospice of Santa Cruz County Hospice care and grief support


The Truth About Grief After the Loss of a Spouse