Internet Resources for Seniors

Internet for Seniors

Edited by:Dennis Morris

Click on the links below for useful, encouraging (and sometimes funny) information.

How to Prevent Having Falls

Fall Prevention Tips that can make a big difference in whether or not you have a fall.

We're Still Here

The Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH) has many fascinating exhibits.  The museum opens at 10 am daily. 

Only 8 Minutes a Day!

Recent research shows that only 8 minutes of walking a day could change your life - reducing the risk of both disability and dementia.

Build Better Passwords

"Five Tricks to Block the Bad Guys" - This AARP article explains how to:  Use passphrases; Add a second door; Keep your passwords in a vault; Refresh routinely; Vary your passwords.

Shingles Vaccine

CDC recommends that everyone over 50 get the NEW shingles vaccine, even if s/he got the earlier one. This new, two-part vaccine provides far better protection against a painful disease. Pharmacy vaccinations tend to be less expensive than in doctors' offices.)

Five Wishes

Five Wishes is a living will that lets you say exactly how you wish to be treated if you get seriously ill. (Download and print)

  Opera Seat?

Subscribe to Met Opera on Demand and enjoy unlimited opera streaming on your TV. If you watch one opera a week for a year it's just $3.00 per opera! ($150/year; 7-day free trial)

Pay Attention!!

Improve your concentration by minimizing distracting thoughts.



THE GOOD LIFE...................................What is the "Good Life"?

STAYING ALIVE...................................Medical Emergencies: heart attack, stroke

ENJOYING LIFE...................................Travel, books, movies, museums, and more

AGING WELL........................................Food, sleep, exercise, avoiding falls

A MORE GRACEFUL EXIT....................Having "The Conversation", health care directive, letting go

MIND & MEMORY................................Mind, memory, meditation

EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING..................Loneliness, happiness, contentment

FINANCIAL HEALTH............................Planning, spending, giving

INDEPENDENT LIVING........................Aging in place, home safety, caregivers

LIFELONG LEARNING..........................Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science

WIRED GEEZERS*................................How the Internet works and how to use it

EVERYTHING ELSE..............................Nature, volunteering, etc. 




BBC believes you've read only 6 of these books (Take this test to find out!)

Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy


Free Downloadable Audio Books and eBooks from the Santa Cruz Public Library

Santa Cruz Public Library's Book Discussion Group Kits


Roger Ebert's reviews of "Great Movies"

Rotten Tomatoes: Use the search box to find critics' and viewers' ratings on recent and past movies and television shows.


10 Simple Tricks to Google Searches


Bill Gates: My 13 Favorite TED Talks

The 25 Most Popular TED Talks of All Time

Open Yale Courses

M.I.T. Open Courses

Harvard's Course on Justice (The editor of this webpage "Internet for Seniors" HIGHLY recommends this free on-line course by one of Harvard's all-time most popular professors.)


Why People Shut Down When Their Political Beliefs Are Challenged

Liberals and Conservatives: Liberals and Conservatives are both susceptible to "fake news" but for different reasons. 

Getting the Gist of It: True Reasoning vs. Associative Reasoning

Are you a Super Ager"?

Top 10 Books on Memory


The Power of Concentration


The Innovation of Loneliness

Dr. Robert Sapolsky on Depression and its Origins (Video: 52-minute Stanford lecture.)

How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years


High-Dose Flu Vaccine Recommended by the CDC for seniors.


The Power of Habit: How the History of Toothpaste Explains Why You Can't Lose Weight

The Fat Trap: Why Weight Returns after Dieting


Best Exercise for Balance: Tai Chi (Harvard Medical)

Building Up Bones With a Little Bashing

Getting a Brain Boost Through Exercise


Here's How to De-Clutter the Marie Kondo Way

Downsizing Tips for Those Moving Into Assisted Living

Opt Out of Catalogs You Don't Want


The Joy of Old Age (No Kidding)

I'm Too Old for This


*The phrase WIRED GEEZERS is from an OLLI group in Georgia & used by permission.