Internet for Seniors
Click on the links below for useful, encouraging (and sometimes funny) information. Edited by Dennis Morris.
- How to Prevent Having Falls – Fall Prevention Tips that can make a big difference in whether or not you have a fall.
- We’re Still Here -The Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH) has many fascinating exhibits. The museum opens at 10 am daily.
- Only 8 Minutes a Day! – Recent research shows that only 8 minutes of walking a day could change your life – reducing the risk of both disability and dementia.
- Build Better Passwords – “Five Tricks to Block the Bad Guys” – This AARP article explains how to: Use passphrases; Add a second door; Keep your passwords in a vault; Refresh routinely; Vary your passwords.
- Shingles Vaccine – CDC recommends that everyone over 50 get the NEW shingles vaccine, even if s/he got the earlier one. This new, two-part vaccine provides far better protection against a painful disease. Pharmacy vaccinations tend to be less expensive than in doctors’ offices.)
- Five Wishes – Five Wishes is a living will that lets you say exactly how you wish to be treated if you get seriously ill. (Download and print)
- Opera Seat? – Subscribe to Met Opera on Demand and enjoy unlimited opera streaming on your TV. If you watch one opera a week for a year it’s just $3.00 per opera! ($150/year; 7-day free trial)
- Pay Attention!! – Improve your concentration by minimizing distracting thoughts.
Internet for seniors contents
THE GOOD LIFE – What is the “Good Life”?
STAYING ALIVE – Medical Emergencies: heart attack, stroke
ENJOYING LIFE – Travel, books, movies, museums, and more
AGING WELL – Food, sleep, exercise, avoiding falls
A MORE GRACEFUL EXIT – Having “The Conversation”, health care directive, letting go
MIND & MEMORY…………………………..Mind, memory, meditation
EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING………………Loneliness, happiness, contentment
FINANCIAL HEALTH……………………….Planning, spending, giving
INDEPENDENT LIVING……………………Aging in place, home safety, caregivers
LIFELONG LEARNING……………………..Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science
WIRED GEEZERS*…………………………..How the Internet works and how to use it
EVERYTHING ELSE…………………………Nature, volunteering, etc.
- BBC believes you’ve read only 6 of these books (Take this test to find out!)
- Re-Reading: The Ultimate Guilty Pleasure? “Curiously enough, one cannot read a book; one can only re-read it. A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a re-reader.” – Nabokov
- Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy
- How to Find and Download Free Books From Google Book Search
- Free Downloadable Audio Books and eBooks from the Santa Cruz Public Library
- Santa Cruz Public Library’s Book Discussion Group Kits
- Roger Ebert’s reviews of “Great Movies”
- Rotten Tomatoes: Use the search box to find critics’ and viewers’ ratings on recent and past movies and television shows.
- Bill Gates: My 13 Favorite TED Talks
- The 25 Most Popular TED Talks of All Time
- Open Yale Courses
- M.I.T. Open Courses
- Harvard’s Course on Justice (The editor of this webpage “Internet for Seniors” HIGHLY recommends this free on-line course by one of Harvard’s all-time most popular professors.)
- Why People Shut Down When Their Political Beliefs Are Challenged
- Liberals and Conservatives: Liberals and Conservatives are both susceptible to “fake news” but for different reasons.
- Getting the Gist of It: True Reasoning vs. Associative Reasoning
- Are you a Super Ager”?
- Top 10 Books on Memory
- TED Talk: All It Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes Refresh your mind for 10 minutes a day – no need for incense or sitting in uncomfortable positions.
- The Power of Concentration
- The Innovation of Loneliness
- TED Talk – Happiness: The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory
- Dr. Robert Sapolsky on Depression and its Origins (Video: 52-minute Stanford lecture.)
- How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years
- High-Dose Flu Vaccine Recommended by the CDC for seniors.
- The Power of Habit: How the History of Toothpaste Explains Why You Can’t Lose Weight
- The Fat Trap: Why Weight Returns after Dieting
- Top 20 Artery-Cleansing Foods
- Best Exercise for Balance: Tai Chi (Harvard Medical)
- Building Up Bones With a Little Bashing
- Getting a Brain Boost Through Exercise
- Here’s How to De-Clutter the Marie Kondo Way
- Downsizing Tips for Those Moving Into Assisted Living
- Opt Out of Catalogs You Don’t Want
*The phrase WIRED GEEZERS is from an OLLI group in Georgia & used by permission.